BBB Gauge Pole Covers are designed to reduce emissions from Aboveground Storage Tank slotted gauge poles/ guide poles. Tank owners benefit by reducing product loss while meeting environmental regulations. Our engineers and fabricates Gauge Pole Covers according to specific installation conditions within tank parameters.
Our Gauge Pole Sock is field tested and approved, featuring over 10 years of proven performance. All covers are manufactured in the USA within a Quality Management System (OMS). The Gauge Pole Sock is a “flexible enclosure system” that is approved by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as stated in the Storage Tank Emission Reduction Partnership Program (STERPP). This program allows a “flexible enclosure device that completely encloses the slotted guide pole and a cover on top of the guide pole.”
BBB Gauge Pole Covers are designed to reduce emissions from Aboveground Storage Tank slotted gauge poles/ guide poles. Tank owners benefit by reducing product loss while meeting environmental regulations. Our engineers and fabricates Gauge Pole Covers according to specific installation conditions within tank parameters.
Our Gauge Pole Sock is field tested and approved, featuring over 10 years of proven performance. All covers are manufactured in the USA within a Quality Management System (OMS). The Gauge Pole Sock is a “flexible enclosure system” that is approved by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as stated in the Storage Tank Emission Reduction Partnership Program (STERPP). This program allows a “flexible enclosure device that completely encloses the slotted guide pole and a cover on top of the guide pole.”
Additional Features
REDUCE EMISSIONS BBB Gauge Pole Sock is the original Gauge Pole Cover design, developed by BBB for aboveground storage tank emissions reduction. It features an exclusive collapsible design to ensure the cover expands and collapses causing no interference with the floating roof. The “VT” proprietary closure provides means of installation while tank is in service and provides a superior vapor reduction design. Our laminated urethane material is a standard component in the design of Gauge Pole Covers. Urethane offers superior abrasion resistance, flexibility, chemical and UN resistance. Other materials are available to meet specific tank conditions.
Tank owners and engineers who are including radar gauging systems on new tank construction or as part of a retrofit to their gauging operations can benefit by using BBB Gauge Pole Covers. Our Gauge Pole Covers allows for the unobstructed use of the interior diameter of the guide pole.
- Gauge Pole Cover
- Transition Box